

The first series we dive head  into. Allegro Films and Redactores Nucleares, winners of the "Abre-Cámara" call from the Colombian Technologies Ministry came to us with the need to handle the entire production of the series from its earliest stages.

The big challenge to overcome: Time. Extremely tight; producing 9 episodes of 4 minutes each, starting from literary and technical scripts, to develop the entire pre- to the entire pro- and the entire post-production in 5 months. A madness."


It was Allegro and Redactores' first experience with this kind of format, so the first step was to bring the written to life in images. Thus, sketched and swiftly, the drawings were the first step to begin

From there, we jumped to the animatics, validating that the story of each episode turned out just as each director wanted it.

And in parallel, we progressed with character and set designs. Here, one of the early versions of characters in the micro-universe of one of the episodes

The Rigs! That invisible process that decides everything! Here, each character gets buttons and levers so that everything goes a little smoother in the animation


And, well, it turned out very nicely. Since we can't show anything in motion yet, here are some images of the final result.